Sundays @ 10:00am at Dexter McCarty Middle School

Posts Tagged with "Jeremiah"

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GBC Bible Reading Plan October 6–12

GBC Blog (18)

Week 41, October 612: Jeremiah 1534 Sun 10/6 Jer 1517 Mon 10/7 Jer 1819 Tue 10/8 Jer 2022 Wed 10/9 Jer 2325 Thu 10/10 Jer 2628 Fri 10/11 Jer 2931 Sat 10/12 Jer 3234 Jeremiah was a priest (Jer. 1:1) who was called by God to oppose the corrupt priesthood in Jerusalem (1:18; 2:26; 5:31). He was a prophet who opposed the false prophets of Israel (5:31; 6:13; 27:16)...

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GBC Bible Reading Plan September 29–October 5

GBC Blog (18)

Week 40, September 29October 5: Ephesians 46, Philippians, Jeremiah 114 Sun 9/29 Eph 46 Mon 9/30 Phil 14 Tue 10/1 Jer 12 Wed 10/2 Jer 35 Thu 10/3 Jer 68 Fri 10/4 Jer 911 Sat 10/5 Jer 1214 Ephesians is perhaps the most profound and concise treatment of gospel's implications for the church in all the Bible. It is packed with rich theology and practical instructio...

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