Sundays @ 10:00am at Dexter McCarty Middle School

Under the Sun


By Mike Garland

“Moreover, I saw under the sun that in the place of justice, even there was wickedness, and in the place of righteousness, even there was wickedness . . . Again I saw all the oppressions that are done under the sun. And behold, the tears of the oppressed, and they had no one to comfort them!” Ecclesiastes 3:16; 4:1


A Reflection on All That is Wrong “Under the Sun”


The end of all evil that glorious thought,

A plea made to God on my knees in deep prayer.

That pain and all suffering would finally be naught,

And we would now see the last glimpse of despair.


If anguish and sadness and agony flee,

Scattered by God’s overpowering command.

Just think how much better this life would be,

If in the light not the darkness we stand.


Why does not God just bring evil its end?

Is it lack of all goodness, great strength, or regard?

Why not evil to its bitter death send,

Surely for Him it would not be too hard?


Pure white perfection God’s standard is lifted,

Measuring not just my actions but mind.

Justice falls short if one stray thought existed,

To the faintest of evil God’s eye is not blind.


Then I remembered my hate, lies, and lust,

My sin laid before the Almighty to see.

Coming to terms, an uncomfortable must,

The end of all evil would also end me.


Only through Jesus this is not my end,

A beautiful sacrifice He would provide.

My guilty sentence was placed upon Him,

With nails in His hands and a spear piercing side.


God will end evil on one final day,

His glory removing the last little trace.

Oh, what will His people then say?

But “Thank you for patience and generous grace!”