GBC Bible Reading Plan Mar 3–9

Week 10, March 3–9: 1 Tim 4–6, Num 13–29, Ps 19–24
- Sun 3/3: 1 Tim 4–6
- Mon 3/4: Num 13–15, Psalm 19
- Tue 3/5: Num 16–18, Psalm 20
- Wed 3/6: Num 19–21, Psalm 21
- Thu 3/7: Num 22–24, Psalm 22
- Fri 3/8: Num 25–26, Psalm 23
- Sat 3/9: Num 27–29, Psalm 24
We begin the week by reading the second half of 1 Timothy. This way we can have the broad themes of Paul’s letter to Timothy fresh in our minds as we hear sermons on individual passages from the book over the next several Sunday mornings.
Back in Numbers, the story of the Israelites in the wilderness takes a tragic turn. They’ve just departed Mt. Sinai after receiving the law there, and immediately they begin grumbling again, just as they did on their travels from Egypt to Sinai back in Exodus. Then they arrive at the edge of Canaan, the land of God’s promises going all the way back to their father Abraham. But the grumbling faithlessness they’ve exhibited along the way comes to a critical juncture when they fear the people in the Land, they don’t believe God’s promises, and they long to go back to Egypt instead of trusting the Lord and entering Canaan.
Along with the golden calf disaster of Exodus 32, this is one of the lowest moments in the OT, a turning point in the Israelites’ story that would serve as a prime example of life under the old covenant. Later biblical writers look back on this as a monumental failure of faith and a reminder not to follow in the footsteps of that unbelieving generation of Israelites (Ps. 95:7–11; 106:24–27; Heb. 3:7–19).
In chapter 20, Moses has his own heartbreaking episode of faithlessness. The story of the miraculous waters at Meribah is a bit mysterious in some ways. What exactly does Moses do wrong there at the rock? The text leaves some questions unanswered. However, just as it always does, God’s word tells us tells us exactly what we need to know. Moses does not believe in God, to uphold him as holy in the eyes of the people of Israel (Num. 20:12). So he too, like the generation of Israelites he led out of Egypt, is prohibited from entering the Promised Land.
Numbers goes on to tell of the new census for the new generation (Numbers 26). This time it’s a count of the children of those who came out of Egypt. Almost the full 40 years have passed by this point. Just as God had said, those from that first generation have all died in the wilderness, all except the two faithful spies, Caleb and Joshua. The Lord is preparing this generation of Israelites to go into the land their parents failed to enter. We also read of Phineas, the new priest who will carry on the priesthood after Aaron is gone (25:10–14). And because Moses will not go into Canaan, Joshua is appointed to succeed him and lead this new generation into the Land (27:13–23).
We will also continue to work through book one of the Psalter, starting the week off with Psalm 19. Read this one slowly and praise our kind God for making himself known. The heavens declare his glory, and by his word he shows us who he is. Let this be a reminder of the wonderful gift the Bible is to us. It revives our soul. It is true and altogether right in all it says. It makes the simple wise and makes the heart rejoice. It enlightens our eyes and is sweeter than honey, more desirable than much fine gold. It will endure forever. That is why we give time to read it and listen to the Lord, our Rock and our Redeemer.
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