GBC Bible Reading Plan 2025: Week 1
2025 GBC Bible Read Thru Weekly Guide: Week 1...
Keep ReadingWe are glad you have decided to read through the Bible this year. Whether you are reading it for the first time, or you have read it for years, you will benefit greatly from cultivating a lifelong habit of spending time daily in his word. You will be growing in your familiarity with the story of Scripture, and you will be accepting God’s invitation to meet with him and hear his voice....
Last week, we began a series that we’ll periodically explore together in the 2023 email updates. We’re going to consider and reflect on the question: How Does God Change Us? As we briefly explored last week, the first and foundational piece in how God changes us is that we must grow deeper into Christ to experience real change. We must be deepening into the real Christ. Into the tenderness of Christ. Into who he truly is. Into who he said he is: gentle and lowly in heart (Matthew 11:28-30)....
Throughout 2023, I’m going to use our email update to periodically explore together the question: How Does God Change Us? This series will be helpfully informed by the book Deeper: Real Change for Real Sinners by Dane Ortlund....
In this week’s update, we’re going to continue our periodic series of exploring together the question: How Does God Change Us? So far, we’ve considered that God changes us by deepening. Into the real Christ, the One who is tender. Into our lack and despair. Through repentance and faith. That takes and turns us deeper into the grace of God. This week, we’ll consider together: how do we turn deeper into the grace of God? In other words, how do we access him? ...
On April 8th, 2022, Gresham Bible Church celebrated it's 15th anniversary as a church! We gathered the remaining founding members who are still at GBC to share their memories and highlights of the last 15 years....
This Holy Week, as we look ahead to Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday, I want to encourage us as a church family to have our attention and affections fixed on the reality of the Cross and the Empty Tomb....
Hello GBC Family, Happy Spring! There is so much to be thankful for and our children’s ministry volunteers are right at the top of the list! ...
We trust you’ll be strengthened and challenged as we were by reading these testimonies....
What might it practically look like for you not to lose heart and give up right now in prayer? ...
Let us grieve the losses, confess the sin, forgive those who have hurt us, thank God for the little joys, and hope for heaven together. We have been changed by this year....
Lynsey Bock recommends J.T. English's book, Deep Discipleship: How the Church Can Make Whole Disciples of Jesus....
2025 GBC Bible Read Thru Weekly Guide: Week 1...
Keep Reading2025 GBC Bible Read Thru Weekly Guide: Week 2...
Keep ReadingWeek 5253, December 2231: Zecharia 1114; Malachi; Revelation; Psalms 149150 Sun 12/22 Zech 1114 Mon 12/23 Mal 12; Psalm 149 Tue 12/24 Mal 34; Psalm 150 Wed 12/25 Rev 14 Thu 12/26 Rev 57 Fri 12/27 Rev 810 Sat 12/28 Rev 1113 Sun 12/29 Rev 1416 Mon 12/30 Rev 1719 Tue 12/31 Rev 2022 The last of the Minor Prophets, the final entry in the Book of the Twelve, is ...
Keep ReadingWeek 51, December 1521: Nahum; Habakkuk; Zephaniah; Haggai; Zechariah 110; Psalms 143148 Sun 12/15 Nah 13 Mon 12/16 Hab 13 Psalm 143 Tue 12/17 Zeph 13 Psalm 144 Wed 12/18 Haggai 12 Psalm 145 Thu 12/19 Zech 14 Psalm 146 Fri 12/20 Zech 57 Psalm 147 Sat 12/21 Zech 810 Psalm 148 Nahum is a prophetic oracle against Assyria and its capital city Nineveh. This contin...
Keep ReadingWeek 50, December 814: Amos 39; Obadiah; Jonah; Micah; Psalms 137142 Sun 12/8 Amos 34 Mon 12/9 Amos 57, Psalm 137 Tue 12/10 Amos 89, Obad, Psalm 138 Wed 12/11 Jonah 14, Psalm 139 Thu 12/12 Micah 13, Psalm 140 Fri 12/13 Micah 45, Psalm 141 Sat 12/14 Micah 67, Psalm 142 As we see throughout the prophetic books of the OT, Amos includes some elements of hopeful ant...
Keep ReadingWeek 49, December 17: Hosea 114; Joel, Amos 12; Psalms 131136 Sun 12/1 Hos 13 Mon 12/2 Hos 45 Psalm 131 Tue 12/3 Hos 68 Psalm 132 Wed 12/4 Hos 911 Psalm 133 Thu 12/5 Hos 1214 Psalm 134 Fri 12/6 Joel 13 Psalm 135 Sat 12/7 Amos 12 Psalm 136 This week we begin the last stretch of OT reading for the year, the books often referred to as the Minor Prophets. This grou...
Keep ReadingWeek 47, November 1723: Hebrews 1013; Daniel; James 12; Psalm 119124 Sun 11/17 Heb 1013 Mon 11/18 Psalm 119 Tue 11/19 Dan 12, Psalm 120 Wed 11/20 Dan 35, Psalm 121 Thu 11/21 Dan 68, Psalm 122 Fri 11/22 Dan 912, Psalm 123 Sat 11/23 James 12, Psalm 124 This week we read Psalm 119. It is a long psalm, composed in an acrostic pattern with every line in each of the ...
Keep ReadingWeek 46, November 1016: Ezekiel 4048; Hebrews 19; Psalm 113118 Sun 11/10 Ezek 4042 Mon 11/11 Ezek 4345 Psalm 113 Tue 11/12 Ezek 4648 Psalm 114 Wed 11/13 Heb 12 Psalm 115 Thu 11/14 Heb 34 Psalm 116 Fri 11/15 Heb 56 Psalm 117 Sat 11/16 Heb 79 Psalm 118 Ezekiel concludes with a vision of a future temple in Jerusalem. We are given detailed descriptions of the bui...
Keep ReadingWeek 45, November 39: Ezekiel 2039; Psalm 107112 Sun 11/3 Ezek 2022 Mon 11/4 Ezek 2325 Psalm 107 Tue 11/5 Ezek 2627 Psalm 108 Wed 11/6 Ezek 2830 Psalm 109 Thu 11/7 Ezek 3133 Psalm 110 Fri 11/8 Ezek 3436 Psalm 111 Sat 11/9 Ezek 3739 Psalm 112 This week we continue reading in Ezekiel. This reading covers a set of chapters that includes some of the most graphic de...
Keep ReadingWeek 44, October 27November 2: Ezekiel 119 Sun 10/27 Ezek 12 Mon 10/28 Ezek 35 Tue 10/29 Ezek 68 Wed 10/30 Ezek 910 Thu 10/31 Ezek 1113 Fri 11/1 Ezek 1416 Sat 11/2 Ezek 1719 Lamentations, which we read at the end of last week's reading, is a pessimistic little book nestled between Jeremiah and Ezekiel in our Bibles. In the Hebrew Bible order of books, Lamentati...
Keep Reading