Sundays @ 10:00am at Dexter McCarty Middle School

Posts Tagged with "Judges"

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GBC Bible Reading Plan Apr 21–27

GBC Blog (18)

Week 17, April 21April 27: John 1021; Ruth 14; 1 Samuel 17; Psalm 5156 Sun 4/21 John 1011 Mon 4/22 John 1214 Psalm 51 Tue 4/23 John 1517 Psalm 52 Wed 4/24 John 1821 Psalm 53 Thu 4/25 Ruth 14 Psalm 54 Fri 4/26 1 Sam 14 Psalm 55 Sat 4/27 1 Sam 57 Psalm 56 The second half of John moves towards the cross, as is also the case with the first three Gospels. After Jesu...

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GBC Bible Reading Plan Apr 14–20

GBC Blog (18)

Week 16, April 14April 20: Judges 1022; John 19; Psalm 4550 Sun 4/14: Judg 1012 Mon 4/15: Judg 1314, Psalm 45 Tue 4/16: Judg 1517, Psalm 46 Wed 4/17: Judg 1822, Psalm 47 Thu 4/18: John 13, Psalm 48 Fri 4/19: John 46, Psalm 49 Sat 4/20: John 79, Psalm 50 Things go from bad to worse to horrific in the book of Judges. It is a difficult book to read. And yet, it is...

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GBC Bible Reading Plan Apr 7–13

GBC Blog (18)

Week 15, April 7April 13: Joshua 1424; Judges 19; Psalm 4244 Sun 4/7: Josh 1416 Mon 4/8: Josh 1719 Tue 4/9: Josh 2021 Wed 4/10: Josh 2224 Thu 4/11: Judg 13, Psalm 42 Fri 4/12: Judg 46, Psalm 43 Sat 4/13: Judg 79, Psalm 44 The book of Joshua reads like a story of massive success. God's promises are coming to fruition as the people of Israel move through the Land...

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