Sundays @ 10:00am at Dexter McCarty Middle School

Archives for January 2024

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GBC Bible Reading Plan February 4-10

GBC Blog (15)

Week 6, February 4-10: Matthew 7-26 SunFeb 4: Matt 7-9 MonFeb 5: Matt 10-12 TueFeb 6: Matt 13-14 WedFeb 7: Matt 15-17 ThuFeb 8: Matt 18-20 FriFeb 9: Matt 21-23 SatFeb 10: Matt 24-26 Matthew's Gospel gives one of four biblical versions of Jesus' life and ministry. The Gospels all recount the most wonderful story there is, of the God of the universe coming in the...

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GBC Bible Reading Plan Jan 28-Feb 3

GBC Blog (14)

Week 5, January 28-February 3: Exodus 27-40; Matthew 1-6 SunJan 28: Exod 27-28 MonJan 29: Exod 29-31 TueJan 30: Exod 32-34 WedJan 31: Exod 35-37 ThuFeb 1: Exod 38-40 FriFeb 2: Matt 1-3 SatFeb 3: Matt 4-6 This reading plan generally follows the sequence of the biblical books as we find them in our Bibles. However, we do mix things up a bit and move back and fort...

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GBC Bible Reading Plan Jan 21-27

GBC Blog (13)

Week 4, January 2127: Exodus 7-26 SunJan 21: Exod 7-9 MonJan 22: Exod 10-12 TueJan 23: Exod 13-14 WedJan 24: Exod 15-17 ThuJan 25: Exod 18-20 FriJan 26: Exod 21-23 SatJan 27: Exod 24-26 Exodus contains some of the most familiar and famous stories in all the BibleMoses and the burning bush, the plagues in Egypt, Israel's exodus out from Egypt, the Red Sea, the T...

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GBC Bible Reading Plan Jan 14-20

GBC Blog (8)

Week 3, January 14-20: Genesis 37-50, Exodus 1-6...

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GBC Bible Reading Plan Jan 7-13

GBC Blog (8)

Week 2, January 7–13: Genesis 17–36...

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GBC Bible Reading Plan Jan 1-6

GBC Blog (2)

We are glad you have decided to read through the Bible this year. Whether you are reading it for the first time, or you have read it for years, you will benefit greatly from cultivating a lifelong habit of spending time daily in his word. You will be growing in your familiarity with the story of Scripture, and you will be accepting God’s invitation to meet with him and h...

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